Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lose Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs - Fat Loss Revealed

Plus Save $$$ And Discover Exactly Why 99% of All Fat Loss Supplements Are Total Junk and Which Ones Will Actually Help You Lose Body Fat Naturally and Safely.

I've you've failed to get in shape before due to time constraints, lack of results or motivation then this web site and my information could transform your life. This program has transformed those who failed on diets before into all new people with a zest for live, improved confidence and lets be honest here, hot new bodies.

If you’re looking for an flexible program that works for dieting newbies all the way though to those looking to get ripped, then you’re in the right place.

Ok, the truth is .... there is no secret, infact this is probably one of the very few web sites you'll come across that isn't going to fill you with marketing terminology or hype.

What I will say is this, most diets pay NO attention to critical factors such as age, sex, height, activity levels, they literally just provide a standard set of calories based on your bodyweight and somehow miraculously expect people to lose weight and get lean.

Yes you might lose a little weight for a few weeks but past that, forget it, if the diet is not specific to the persons body type, age, sex, and numerous other factors, it won't deliver results , simple as that.

This program allows you to create a diet to you as an individual, that's why people are achieving such insane results and if there is such a thing as a "secret to fat loss", then this is size does NOT fit all.

Below are just a handful of people who have sent me their photos and fat loss stories after following my program for at least 12 weeks.

Many of them had failed numerous times before, but with the right diet, exercise program and supplements they finally achieved their goals, and even more incredible some went from fat to flab in just a few months.

They include individuals holding down a 55+ hour a week job, a mum looking after three kids, people from all ages and backgrounds, no different from you or I. You can read more about their stories and details later on this page.

My name is Will Brink, over my professional career as an author, fitness magazine columnist, trainer and researcher, I've worked with just about every type of person, from Olympic athletes, fitness models and actresses, to getting the everyday man and woman into amazing shape, with men achieving the ripped six pack and women slim sexy flat bellies.

A little bit about me, (my full bio here) My articles have been published in a wide variety of magazines, including: Life Extension magazine, MuscleMag International, Let's Live, Muscle 'n Fitness, Townsend Letter for Doctors, IronMan, Inside Karate, Physical, Fitness RX Power, Body International, Oxygen, Women’s World, as well as many other magazines and countless web sites.

I've also worked extensively on the "inside" of some of the biggest sports nutrition , diet and supplement companies. . I'm one of the very few insider experts who has revealing knowledge of those who run the fat loss industry and as of today, pretty much the only one who's prepared to hack them off by telling the truth.

Bottom line, you can count on one hand the number of people who can match my experience in the industry of fat loss. I have been around the proverbial block in the supplement and diet industry and I'm about to spill the beans, on the secrets that most insiders only talk about behind closed doors.

if you didn't sign up for my Free Fat Loss Report already..Just enter your first name and email below and the 5 part fat loss report will be instantly emailed to you.

Discover 20 Tips, Tricks & Techniques For Losing Belly Fat & Getting Six Pack Abs (19.95 Value - Free For Visiting.)

5 Simple to follow Behavior tips which will probably double your fat loss results with little effort, put them into action today.

5 Exercise tips, once and for all which type of training works most efficiently for fat loss , discover these 5 tips and follow them immediately.

Thank you, your free reports are on the way to you. It will take up to 20 minutes or so before the first part arrives in your inbox, in the mean time, please enjoy the rest of the site.

You see, for a long time my entire lively hood depended on it. Many years ago when I had just started writing for magazines and so forth I used to supplement my income getting fitness models and bodybuilders into shape for competitions.

As my clients starting winning competitions and modeling contracts, I ended up getting a very good reputation for being "the man" to work with. This ended up with everybody from rich businessmen and women to Olympic athletes, pro golfers and everybody else in between coming to me for advice on how to get lean.

This focus on fat loss, ended up translating into more and more research, more and more study, I also concentrated on what worked for the average guy and woman living under the normal conditions of working, looking after kids perhaps, basically people with not a lot of time on their hands and those not wanting to have to become scientists to understand how to lose fat.

This popularity led to virtually hundreds of faxes, letters, and in the last ten years, emails. I would constantly get the same questions :

Over my life time I must have received those 3 questions, or some variation of those 3 questions, somewhere in the region of 100,000 times!

It was impossible to keep up with, combined with the fact I was also spending hundreds of hours a month researching supplements educating consumers on what worked and what didn't, I was spending more time helping people and answering emails and such...

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