Friday, June 13, 2014

Hot Metabolism - Increase your metabolism to burn fat.

From The Desk Of Carolyn Hansen (Certified Fitness Instructor) Hello, my name is Carolyn Hansen, and before I tell you about what I believe to be the most reliable, scientifically-grounded, and easy-to-implement fat loss system in existence today, I want to impress upon you the idea that I am not some anonymous ghost writer who has put together yet another publication in the long saga of weight loss vehicles that promise the Earth but just don't seem to deliver results even though you may have carefully followed their misguided teachings.

I want to take a moment before I tell you what my system of weight loss is about to impress upon you what it is not. The fact of the matter is that there are so many bogus weight loss sites online today that it is really difficult for the consumer to make an objective judgement about what is realistic and what is not when it comes to expectations about what a weight loss product can do for them.

The problem is so rampant that the Federal Trade Commission dedicates time and resources to alerting the public on what to look out for with these sites. They even have a highly detailed and useful downloadable PDF document entitled Red Flag Bogus Weight Loss Claims that I encourage you to check out. In a nutshell, be on the lookout for sites that claim you can easily reduce your body weight by more than about a pound a day, and keep it off for good, without embarking on a strenuous physical activity program and cutting calories from your diet. By the way, you will find no such claims on this page. I can help you to lose weight, and the only thing I rely on to get the job done is my knowledge of how the human body responds to physical activity and nutrition. No doubt, the majority of these bogus weight loss sites are run by people who have scarcely seen the inside of a gym, let alone spent any real time trying to figure out what works when it comes to trying to lose weight effectively. Well, I am of a different cut entirely.

No. I walk the talk, as they say. I currently run a highly successful Anytime Fitness center and I see five hundred clients stream into my gymnasium every day. These clients of mine get the same advice from me that I am about to give you, and many of them are happy to pay me $150 per hour for a one-on-one consultation, because they know that when it comes to getting their weight under control I always deliver the kind of results they were hoping for. In fact, many of them pay between $2,000 to $3,000 to receive the information that I have outlined for you on this page. Some have even gone on to win bodybuilding and physique contests based on the application of the principles of metabolic exercise and proper nutrition that I have taught them. It is my business to know what works and what does not when it comes to getting your body into shape. In fact, I have earned a reputation as a no-nonsense health and fitness practitioner, and even garnered a little fame for myself by picking up a national level bodybuilding championship title along the way. In short, when it comes to the human body, and our pursuit of a more perfect form, I have made it my job to know what I am talking about.

Trust me, none of this is said with the intent of aiming to impress you. Instead, what I am hoping to do is set the stage so that when I finally make some promising claims your eyes do not glaze over and you feel the urge to sigh and write me off as yet another peddler of digital snake oil. Give me just a little credit, and two minutes of your time, and I will reveal to you a system of weight loss management that is GUARANTEED not only to get you excited, but more importantly, headed in the right direction. I know this is important to you because you would not be on this page if the systems of weight loss control that you have tried to date held anything more than empty promises of easy weight loss. The fact is, most other weight loss systems - even the legitimate ones - are based on ideas about the human body that are simply incorrect, and which (ironically) end up training your body to try to GAIN weight rather than lose it. Ever bounced back to your normal weight shortly after coming off a diet, or a time-consuming aerobic schedule? Maybe you even added a few MORE pounds on top of that. Not what you were expecting, was it? Well, that's not what you can expect after undergoing a metabolic makeover, which is at the core of the system I have devised for my personal clients, and now for you as well.

Losing weight is easy when you know how, but knowing how is the secret. I've tried every crash diet known to man, and prior to discovering the Hot Metabolism course I was ready to resign myself to the fact I'd be a fat chick for life. Thankfully a friend found me at my lowest and encouraged me to read the "The Best Way To Lose Weight" report. That really was the turning point for me, a light switched on in the far recesses of my brain and I realised I did have the power to be who I wanted to be, I just had to believe and be prepared to study to understand the principles of weight loss and the mechanics of fat burning. I knuckled down and am delighted to report that I've lost 76 pounds and I'm leaner and healthier than ever before.

By teaching you how to apply principles of fat...

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