Sunday, July 13, 2014

Insane In-Season Hockey Training - In-Season Hockey Training

Have you ever envisioned yourself with a shot so hard that your teammates and opponents cringed every time you wound up to shoot?

Have you ever prayed to the hockey gods to give you the energy and endurance to play at the highest possible level for an entire game without feeling tired?

If you answered YES to any one of those questions, then you need to stick around because I have some very good news for you.

Now just imagine for a second, that the workouts you’re doing off the ice actually helped you improve those aspects of your game DURING THE SEASON. Until now, there has never been a product on the market that helped players improve a specific aspect of their game DURING THE SEASON.

It used to be that players would use the off-season to improve their speed and shot power. They would run for hours in hopes that they would have the endurance to start the season that could carry them through games. There are literally thousands of exercise programs out there that you can get in a magazine, off the internet, or from guys that will tell you what worked for them.  They’ll tell you what they did 30 years ago when they played AAA hockey or cracked the lineup of a junior team.  They’re the ones that haven’t accepted that things have changed and training methods have advanced.

There are just too many players out there spinning their wheels. They believe that games and practices alone will keep them in shape. Some understand the benefits of off-ice training, but rarely do they focus on aspects of their training to IMPROVE SOMETHING DURING THE SEASON!

With the help of former NHL Strength and Conditioning Coach Chad Moreau, I’ve now identified a system for players to use during the season that is specific to their needs as a hockey player. Every hockey player on this planet has something that they need to improve but until now there was nothing that could help them focus on improving a huge aspect of their game. The Insane In-Season Hockey Training System will give you the tools you need to help you improve one of three aspects of your game DURING THE SEASON. You’ll be able to choose the program that you need at that very moment to help you improve either your speed, shot power or endurance.

Instead of wasting your time, spinning your wheels, wouldn’t you love to know that the program you were using was improving one of these:

This manual takes you through a 2 or 3 day per week program that will help you develop lightning speed, quick feet, and the ability to blow past opponents at will.  Never again will you be that player that can’t keep up.  Now you’ll find yourself flying by opponents, making a bigger impact, and scoring more points!

This manual is packed with drills that will help you develop unreal shot power.  Get ready to make your opponents cringe ever time you wind up to unleash the cannon.  You’ll find hockey-specific workouts to help develop transfers in force that you never thought would play a part in shot power.

This manual is jammed full of exercises to help you develop the type of endurance an elite level hockey player needs.  You won’t be that guy sucking wind on the bench after you experience what this program offers.  Hockey specific energy system development to make sure you’re the one with the most gas in the tank at the end of the game.

This is an invaluable resource that you’ll be able to use for years to come.  All the exercises used in the Insane In-Season Hockey Training System are stored in this database.  Each exercise is demonstrated so you’re not left with any questions.

“The approach to the programming is awesome because it addresses the needs of hockey players. Having a goal oriented approach to training is exactly what players need to reach their full potential. Conor’s put together an awesome training system that would benefit players of all levels.”

“Conor’s program gives players a goal to strive for, while at the same time keeping the basics of strength training a primary focus. This isn’t a gimmick program, but one that hockey players at all levels could benefit from.”

“Conor has once again over-delivered with all that he offers in his new program. The video database you get when you purchase is worth 10 times the price of the entire package alone. The content in this guide is pure gold, and if you’re a serious hockey player looking to improve your game, Conor’s program will really give you the edge you’re looking for. I keep telling Conor to boost his price because what you get out of this training system is worth so much more than the few bucks he’s asking for.”

“Conor Doherty’s “Insane In-season Training” is awesome for serious hockey players. Conor obviously knows the science of training, and he’s packed it all in this great new program.”

“Conor’s training programs are a must for any serious hockey player. His training manuals are well organized, planned, and detailed, providing easy to follow programs. Each strand is introduced in a manner that helps build a sense of ownership in the athlete, provides essential safety tips, and outlines techniques vital to an athlete’s training. The simplicity, yet precision of the training program makes it a must for any serious hockey player.”

“The Insane In-Season Hockey Training Program by Conor Doherty is a great in-season program for players looking to enhance specific parts of their game. Conor has created different programs for different aspects of a players game such as shot power, endurance and speed. I recommend that any player looking to take their game to the...

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