Thursday, July 17, 2014

Eat More to Lose More Diet Book Unni Greene The Diet Diva Diet Book Burn Fat Unni Greene Nutritionist Certified Personal Trainer Eat Clean and loose Weight

Sadly, we do judge each other by our appearance. Not only do we have to look good in person, but with all the social media out there, we now also have to look good in photos. Do you feel that you are stuck in a rut, and you don’t even know where to start? Are you running away to hide when someone tries to take your picture.

Maybe you have fallen for the myth that to look good after the age of 30 or 40 is impossible? Or if you have kids, you have given up and accepted the “mommy body” as an inevitable result of your pregnancies. Well, I am here to tell you that this is simply not true! You CAN and you WILL look better in your midlife and beyond, than you even did BEFORE you had kids!

Have you spent thousands of dollars on dangerous diets, pills or crazy workout programs, only to drop some weight initially, and then gain it all back, and more?

Are you confused about how to sift through and interpret all the information that is out there on what is the best way to finally shed those pounds?

Do you buy every single vitamin and supplement because you’ve read or heard that they are good for you, only to take a few, forget about them and eventually end up throwing them away?

Maybe you are in your mid-life and you just want to get rid of those five pounds that keep sneaking back on but you just don’t know where to start, so you never do.

If you want to finally drop the weight for good, without starving yourself or having to buy expensive prepackaged foods, pills or even dangerous injections, then you have come to the right place

I am a forty-seven year old mother of four children who has dedicated my life to health, fitness and nutrition. As the trainer and nutrition specialist to world champion athletes, super fitness models, bikini competitors, mothers, fathers, kids and even other trainers, I am uniquely qualified to help you finally succeed! I have studied, researched, attended seminars and earned four separate degrees in nutrition. I also hold a certification as a Master Trainer and I own a private gym in Miami where serious athletes seek me out to change their physiques. Having been involved in sports and fitness all my life, as well as being able to keep a lean tight physique well into my late forties, despite working full time and raising four children, I know what it is like to struggle with eating right and working out to get the physique you deserve.

Unfortunately, the diet and weight loss industry is motivated by the mighty dollar. They really do not want you to succeed, or to learn how to eat right so that you can get off their costly programs. I am a real life mom and fitness professional that wants to teach you how to eat for life. I will give away my hard earned knowledge and even share some of my secrets on how to get lean and healthy by eating MORE. That’s right. You will know what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. There is no guesswork. My fail proof method works so well that I use it even on my WORLD CHAMPION ATHLETES and PHYSIQUE COMPETITORS. Now you can learn my fail proof principles too. You will never have to diet again because this time you will keep the weight off for good. There is no more yo-yo dieting or severely restrictive eating that only destroys your metabolism. Instead, I will teach you how to eat real food and show you effective training secrets guaranteed to torch fat in the fastest time possible.

Many other so called “experts” and fat loss coaches simply do not have the background or credentials to be able to get you to your best physique ever. I am also an athlete. As a CERTIFIED MASTER TRAINER and a PRINCIPAL ATHLETE IN DVD SERIES, I know what it takes to get in the best shape of your life.

You will learn how to eat the right kinds of foods at the right time so you will constantly burn fat, lose weight, and never get hungry.

I have designed the “Eat More to Lose More Program” to work for EVERYONE. People just like YOU have succeeded in creating THEIR BEST BODY EVER with my program. It is based on scientifically PROVEN fat burning and muscle toning program that has been endorsed by world class athletes, physicians, business women, moms, dads, fellow fitness experts and even kids and teens.

In just one month you can transform your body and have the look that will be the envy of your friends and family. All this while eating MORE! I will teach you what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat so there is ABSOLUTELY NO GUESSWORK. Each meal and workout is SPECIFICALLY and EASILY laid out for you to follow. There are no points, exchanges, or colors to remember or CONFUSE YOU.

I have heard from all of you that you are tired of spending hundreds of dollars on pre packaged foods, going to meetings, popping dangerous pills or even using injections in your efforts to lose weight. ON MY PLAN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANY OF THIS. You will enjoy regular foods that you can make yourself, all in the comfort of your own home! The workouts are simple, straightforward and can be done at any fitness level! Even if you have NEVER worked out before in your life, I will show you what to do and you can easily do it!

This program works for MEN and WOMEN. I have used the same program successfully on both men who needed to get ripped, by losing fat and gaining muscle, and women who wanted to get “tight and...

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