Monday, June 9, 2014

Show and Go Training by Eric Cressey - Show and Go Training by Eric Cressey

Trainer to the Pros Reveals His Secret, Step-by-Step Blueprint Guaranteed to Make You Fitter, Stronger, and Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible – in the Next 60 Days… Or Your Money Back.

Here’s Your Only Opportunity To Have Me Be Your Personal Coach and Take You Through My Four Phase Program, Leading You Step-By-Step To More Strength, Better Performance and a Leaner, More Athletic Body Than You’ve Ever Had Before!

If you would like to discover the fastest and easiest way to gain strength, achieve better performance and a finally have the lean, athletic body you’ve always wanted, then this will be the most important message you ever read.

After personally coaching thousands of people ranging from elite level professional athletes to guys just trying to lose a few pounds and feel better and achieving incredible results across the board then studying the impact of every single training variable, I’ve developed a breakthrough solution and put it into a format that YOU can use to guarantee the same type of incredible results yourself.

"There are plenty of programs out there offering variety. Unfortunately, few of them offer genuine results to match the various exercises they prescribe. What impresses me most about Eric’s programming is that he manages to improve the quality of the body as a whole by using exercises that not only work but are also stimulating and enjoyable to do.

I improved my three rep max on the deadlift by 110 pounds in four months – 425 to 535. My close grip bench press went from 275 x 3 to 300 x 4 in the same period of time. But this was not a narrow powerlifting specialization program. While I was improving my lifts, I was also sprinting, jumping, improving my flexibility, losing body fat, lifting pain free for the first time in a decade and, most importantly, enjoying my training again.

I am happy to recommend Eric’s programs with only one caveat: don’t try them unless you’re looking for the best performance of your life."

"I was initially a little skeptical at how well a 16-week online strength and conditioning program could bring significant gains in my own strength. Having trained consistently for the past 6- 7 years, and being in this industry myself as an Exercise Physiologist for 10 years, I know the benefits that an individualized program can bring especially in terms of strength and muscular gains. To say I was pleasantly surprised was an understatement!

I really enjoyed how the program periodized through different strength qualities from phase to phase each phase building on the last. The way the program worked in lower volume weeks with higher volume weeks within each phase was ingenious, and something that I have incorporated a lot more into my own programming. A very original part of the program that I felt I benefited from tremendously was the inclusion of specific dynamic movement patterns and static stretches within the micro-cycles and each specific phase. I feel as though I now have a lot more joint freedom through my pelvis, lumbar spine and knees because of this.

In just 4 months of training I managed to lose 1% of bodyfat (8.8% to 7.8%), while maintaining my lean body mass. I increased my deadlift 1RM by 66 pounds! My parallel box squat increased by 33 pounds! And all my other lifts increased also (chin up +33 pounds, bench press +5.5 pounds).

In today’s heavily populated field of strength coaches, fitness experts and corrective exercise gurus, I believe Eric Cressey stands out from the pack. He brings a unique approach of mixing scientific research and in-the-trenches practical experience to bring a coach I truly admire.

"Eric, you are the best! I recently completed your Show and Go Program and am thrilled with my results. My bench has gone up by 50 pounds, my squat has increased by 80 pounds, and my deadlift has increased by 90 pounds while dropping a ton of body fat! In addition to these strength gains, I have noticed marked improvements in my mobility and general athletic performance. I wholeheartedly recommend Show and Go to anyone looking for a bigger, leaner, stronger, and more efficient body! You will not be disappointed."

"Show and Go delivers the complete strength and conditioning package. No stone is left unturned in this multi-faceted approach to training and as a result I’m bigger, faster, stronger AND leaner than ever before. As usual, Cressey pays particular attention to soft tissue work and joint mobility, which has left me with far greater range of motion as an added bonus, plus I’m injury free after 16 weeks of hard work with no signs of over training. As a fitness professional, this program provided me with an education as well as a great training system with plenty of movements I haven’t used before. Bring on the next book!

Bench Press – 105kg increased to 120kg (not quite a personal best, but after a shoulder injury last year, I’m very pleased to even be benching again!)

Chin Up 3 Rep Max – Bodyweight plus 15kg increased to Bodyweight plus 35kg (really happy, this is my best ever with perfect form too)

I had been following Eric’s work for about a year when I got an email asking for guinea pigs for a program he was testing out. I jumped at the opportunity, having had great success with Maximum Strength. The program was tough but enjoyable. There was a big emphasis on mobility and flexibility, with many different fillers throughout each day. I felt this helped me out a lot as I had been having issues with my rectus femoris. There was a lot of heavy lifting and I chose to do the two sprint days. I was surprised when my vertical jumped from 32 to 37 inches, because I had barely done any jumping throughout 4...

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