Sunday, June 1, 2014

Funk Flex MMA Workouts - Train hard, fight easy!!!!

Well, if you’re anything like I used to be, then your answers to ANY or ALL the above questions are a resounding “YES!”

Today I’m about to SHARE THE SOLUTION with you to help solve any and all of these common barriers faced by you and other combat athletes every day.

Funk Roberts Certified Metabolic Trainer MMA Conditioning Coach Owner FunkMMA Strength and Conditioning Website

I mean you train hard each week. You go religiously to your combat sports classes, you head to the gym for a weight workout when you can and try your hardest to follow a healthy diet.

Why does it seem like top fighters possess more power and strength, have unbelievable cardio and are much more ripped and muscular than you?

It’s questions like this that we often ask ourselves when we reach certain barriers in life and don’t know how to overcome them.

There is no doubt that you are training hard, searching for the right information and then trying to put it into action, but you still can’t make improvements or reach the goal that you have set for yourself.

Is it your training? Is your nutrition? Are you working out enough? Are you even doing the right workouts?

The good thing is that you are not alone, there are thousands of combat athletes in different sports that are in the same situation and must find ways overcome these barriers.

Not all of us can be blessed to have trainers that schedule your weekly workouts, tell you exactly what and when to eat or how to prepare you for a fight.

My name is Funk Roberts, I’m a dedicated MMA conditioning coach, certified metabolic trainer, kettlebell instructor, CPT and fitness professional and run FunkMMA, one of the largest Combat strength and conditioning websites on the web. I have trained professional and amateur combat fighters from around the world.

My partner, Flex Marks a certified C.P.T N (Canadian Personal Trainers Network), A.C.E (American Council on Exercise), and P.P.T.S (Professional Personal Trainers School), Strength and Conditioning Coach, a former high-level kick boxer and founder of Flex Training System also trains MMA athletes online and onsite from around the world.

It is our mission to help, educate and motivate combat athletes like yourself so you can achieve extraordinary strength and conditioning in order to help you become and Elite Combat Fighter.

A year ago, I decided to survey thousands of Combat athletes asking them what barriers they were facing with strength and conditioning.

The results confirmed what I had been hearing for years from fighters, trainers, coaches and gym owners from all over the world.

Even when I was in Thailand; training at one of the top 10 UFC rated MMA and Muay Thai camps, I learned that fighters from around the world were also struggling with the same problems.

At the age of 40 years old, I was working in the corporate world while running some fitness boot camps and decided to start training in a combat sport that I held close to my heart but was unable to practice due to my pro volleyball career.

When got back into the sport, it wasn’t shortly thereafter I decided I wanted fight a professional Muay Thai fight in Thailand.

I quickly found out that the intense training for a Muay Thai fight was kicking my butt and needed a game plan. Although I was a personal trainer, the old traditional weight training and long cardio sessions on the treadmill I was doing were not giving me any help during the 2-3 hour high intensity Muay Thai classes.

I was still sucking wind and finding it hard to learn the techniques I needed to win this fight. Even though I trained hard it just wasn’t working.

Because I could not recover fast enough from the intense Muay Thai classes I started to miss conditioning training and even began to get sick often. My body was run down and I still hadn’t made any progress.

I was stuck without knowing what type of workouts to do that would help with proper conditioning for muay Thai, how to schedule my conditioning workouts so I could build cardio and strength and what to eat so I could burn fat, lose weight and recover faster between training.

So I began to do my own research on strength and conditioning, ask other trainers, other Muay Thai fighters, began to get my MMA Conditioning certification and even enlisted the help of a nutritionist to teach me what to eat and when.

I then developed and customized my plan, made a complete change in my strength and conditioning training, developed a scheduling template so I never missed a workouts and made a complete overhaul in my nutrition, which I continue to follow 4 years later.

THE RESULT - I went from a196lb to a174lbs, fully conditioned, ripped, Muay Thai wrecking machine that went to Thailand and came our victorious with a second round knockout!

By following the solution about to share with you, I was able to customize workouts, to ensure I was hitting each aspect needed for a muay Thai Fighter in the ring.

I was able to schedule workouts around my very busy daily lifestyle, which allowed me to never miss a session.

And finally my nutrition allowed me to lose weight, burn fat and stay strong (stronger than before) during the entire process.

Due to my success and research I began to share this solution with other athletes, clients and fighters from around the world, all enjoying incredible success.

But before I share the solution with you, let’s take a DEEPER look at the 3 most common barriers facing MMA, Combat and Martial Arts Athletes.

Addressing these three barriers head on can greatly accelerate your results and save you a lot of time and heartache. Let’s take a closer look, shall we...


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