Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Visual Impact Muscle Building

Gaining 20 pounds of muscle is NOT impressive if 15 pounds of that is on your butt, thighs, and waist.

Gaining untargeted muscle is easy and over-rated. The problem with following the standard advice of concentrating on the "big 3" lifts (squat, deadlift, and bench press) is that it will most likely create a terrible looking, bulky physique.

So even 100% pure muscle gains, can ruin your look if the muscle is added to the wrong places on your body.

As the video shows...adding muscle in the wrong places creates a rounded "curvy" look. As a guy you are not aiming for an hour-glass figure. Simply chasing a muscle gain number is a nearly guaranteed way to kill you chances of a lean and angular physique.

…but if you put on too much muscle on the wrong places you get that “cheesy” meat-head aura...and that is not a place where you want to be.

So How do the Guys in Hollywood (Taylor Lautner, Cam Gigandet, Brad Pitt, etc) Get that Ultra-Lean Look...Where it Appears as if Their Skin is Shrink Wrapped Around Their Muscles?

When you first get lean, your skin lags behind a bit and has to catch up to your new body size. This is a big reason that a lot of people who try to get lean for summer actually look their best in July or August instead of June.

Want to Ensure That You Add Muscle in a Way that Dramatically Enhances Your Appearance...and Allows You to Create the Exact Look You Desire?

(I knew someday I would need to talk about gaining muscle in a way that didn't ruin the physique...but I also knew that this would take 50+ pages to properly explain).

You see...the mainstream methods of gaining muscle mass are backward if you want that lean, "hip" look. Just go into any gym and take a look at the personal trainers. Do most of them have the look you are after?

I don't care if your personal trainer swears by seated dumbbell military presses -or your best friend thinks standing barbell military presses are the way to go. They both work your shoulders. Alternatively, you could do the Nautilus press, Hammer Strength, or even lift a log over your head (Rocky IV style).

Bottom line? If you want to add muscle and you are after the lean "Hollywood Look", this course will teach you exactly what needs to be done to accomplish that.

The best thing is that once you acquire this knowledge, it will be yours for good. You can take the principles you learn in the course and apply them from that point forward. (Really...the only reason for buying another muscle building guide will be if you want to get the large bodybuilder look..."different strokes for different folks"...right?)

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