Thursday, May 29, 2014

Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System - by Holly Rigsby

After gaining 50 pregnancy pounds and getting doctors orders to STOP gaining weight… how a frustrated new Mom discovered a way to go from “baby belly” to FLAT belly… exercising just 15 minutes per day!

As we locked eyes for the first time, it was like the world had stopped spinning and my life-long dream of having a baby had finally come true.

… the all-too-often “ice cream and a movie night” (popcorn just wasn’t cutting it anymore)…

… and the strange combinations of foods (pickles and chocolate anyone?) that often added more calories to my diet than my body could handle.

My careless lifestyle habits had completely destroyed my metabolism, causing my weight to escalate dramatically as I entered my second trimester.

About 5 months into my pregnancy, I was gaining weight pretty quickly; in fact, I was blowing up like a balloon!

I practically snuck out of the office that day, half-holding back tears, half-angry at myself for all those years I had treated myself so poorly.

In photos, I would hide my face and try to keep my exposure to my belly only. I did everything to avoid the embarrassment of associating myself with that weight gain.

After Tyler was born, I was told I would lose a lot of weight simply from breastfeeding – and I did, shedding 17 pounds in the first 2 months.

Sure I was grateful to lose those 17 pounds (in fact, fitting back into REAL jeans again was a godsend!), but I still needed to lose 33 pounds more to get back to my “pre-baby-body”.

If I were to follow their suggestions, I’d be spending 1-2 hours everyday JUST getting my body back in shape.

I mean come on – do they REALLY expect new Mom’s to be able to follow programs like that?

For some reason or another, my husband and I started walking up and down those hills while alternating periods of fast walking (up the hills) and slow walking (down the hills).

In the next 8 weeks, I dropped another 14 pounds… simply because I was varying the intensity level of my exercises.

So I began reading up on the intensity levels of exercise and how it affects your body’s ability to lose weight.

I wanted to see if there was a way to get the same fat burning affect I had from walking those hills – but somehow managing to do it even FASTER – since walking still took up about 45 minutes per day.

Plus, winter was coming up so I didn’t feel like walking with my little boy out in the freezing cold weather everyday just so I could get back into “pre-baby” shape.

And to top it all off… a personal tragedy happened, forcing my family and I to move back to Kentucky, where the missing piece of the puzzle was finally revealed…

When we moved back to Kentucky, the stars must have aligned because somehow I just happened to meet a man who who brought a whole new world of possibilities to my life… allowing me to finally discover the missing piece of the puzzle which was keeping me overweight.

The secret was called “EPOC”, short for “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption”.

“EPOC” is the SECRET Mom’s are using to get back into their skinny jeans… even after having children!

“EPOC is a measurably increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activity intended to erase the body’s oxygen debt. In order for your body to get back up to speed, it raises your metabolism levels for the next 24-48 hours.

That means your metabolism works harder to burn off your baby weight – automatically – no matter WHAT you do after you workout.”

“Plus, since doing this requires more intensive exercises, it takes much less time to complete which is perfect for you because you’re already busy enough being a Mom. It also helps preserve your muscle instead of wasting it away like long, slow cardio does.”

I can’t tell you how excited I was to finally find a way to exercise in just a few minutes per day that got me better results than long, slow, boring cardio like the Stairmaster or treadmill.

So I began taking his advice and had him write me a sample workout program. This program consisted of strength training with a mix of bodyweight exercises and a few dumbells.

And no don’t worry – strength training does NOT mean bodybuilder “bulking-up” type routines or a routine that required fancy, expensive machines.

Instead, I learned about no-bulking circuit training workouts you could do in the comfort of your own home – all you needed was your bodyweight, a bench, some dumbells, and those fun exercise balls – and you only needed 15 minutes!

Plus, it zapped away the daily stress and melted the belly fat like nothing else I’d ever tried, allowing my body to take on a whole new shape!

I was lifting him up to blow out the candles on his cake, and not only was it nearly effortless, but the definition in my arms made my sister exclaim with a hint of sibling jealousy, “Check out those sexy arms!”

Everything I always dreamed of having in my life and for my son was finally starting to come together for me. The perfect home, a loving family, and a body I could feel confident in.

All from an exercise regimen that was fast, fun and effective, and knowing the right food choices to make for best results.

After 4 months of following a simple and safe nutrition program with delicious meal plans, and adding short 15-minute strength training sessions to my program, I was as lean as I had ever been.

You could see the muscle definition in my legs – something I never had during my skinny-minny high school years, and something I thought I’d never, EVER have after pregnancy…


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